53rd Journées des Actinides international conference
Presentation of the conference

The UCCS (Unité de catalyse et Chimie du Solide) and the PhLAM (Physique Lasers Atomes et Molécules) institutes are pleased to host the 53rd Journées des Actinides international conference from April 15th to April 18th on the Lille campus.
This event series offers an informal and interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of current advances on the physical and chemical properties of lanthanide- and actinide-based molecules, compounds and alloys. The conference has a broad scope, spanning topics from fundamental to applied research:
- Inorganic and organometallic chemistry
- Strongly correlated systems, superconductivity, quantum criticality
- Materials and nanomaterials
- Theory and band structure
- Actinide production and handling
- Safety of the nuclear fuel cycle
- Nuclear safeguards and security
- Radiation protection
- Environment contamination, remediation, and decommissioning
We particularly encourage graduate students and postdoctoral and early carrier researchers to participate.
- The JDA scientific committee will offer 4 awards:
- Life-time achievement award
- Early-career achievement award
- Best oral presentation award
- Best poster presentation
Awardees from the JDA52nd edition can be found on the previous conference website:

Best poster presentation

Best oral presentation

Life-time achievement award

Early-career achievement award
A prestigious venue for your conference!